
Tankar och huggskott om foto

Payday loans

January 19, 2009

2009 – 02

Filed under: Fotografi,PAW 2009,Rolleicord V — at 8:53 am

Mads är en vän från Helsingør. Vi känner varandra från en epostlista, LUG (Leica Users’ Group) och bor så pass nära att vi kan träffas. Ibland har jag vägen förbi när jag åker till Odense och ibland bestämmer vi oss för att träffas halvvägs. Varberg blev det.

Mads is a friend from Helsingør. We got to know each other through the LUG (Leica Users’ Group) and live close enough that we can meet. Somethings I pass by when I am on my way to Odense and other times we simply decide to make an effort and meet half-way. Varbarg this time.

Mads i Varberg

Han hade sin Iskra med sig och det är inget man laddar på stående fot (bokstavligen).

He had his Iskra with him and it is nothing you load on the fly.

Mads loading his Iskra

Det var kallt, mycket kallt. Så nära havet blåser det och luftfuktigheten tränger igenom allt.

It was cold, very cold. That close to the sea the wind whips you and the humidity seeps through everything.





  1. Ah, the winter light. Well used.

    Comment by bill harting — January 19, 2009 @ 12:19 pm

  2. Thanks Bill. Winter light is what I was going after, over and above the visit with Mads. We spent almost the whole day out in it and it got pretty cold in the end.

    Comment by daniel — January 19, 2009 @ 12:23 pm

  3. These photos have a beautiful clarity and crispness (as crisp as the day I imagine!). The image with the reeds and the ice is very nice. It was your work with your Rolleicord that inspired me to get one myself.

    Best wishes for the new year!



    Comment by Andrew — January 20, 2009 @ 12:04 am

  4. Excellent work Daniel, I really enjoyed light, composition and tones.

    Comment by Carlos — January 27, 2009 @ 12:59 pm

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